Legal Services Department

We Are Professional

We are here to help you around with all your queries related to Buying, Selling, Existing Property Management, and Much More!

In order to provide our best of the services, we make sure all the crucial check-ups are done before buying the property through various verifications:

  • 1. Confirmation whether the property has any litigation for the sale or not?
  • 2. Checking and verifying the ownership?
  • 3. Verify ownership of the property.
  • 4. Discuss all aspects in terms of whether the property is going to be used for investment or residential purpose.
  • 5. Advice through our legal team on the payment plan and assisting in get bank loan if needed.
  • 6. What are the future aspects of sale/rent of the property?

In this time of busy career, family and social responsibilities, no individual likes to take the hassle to get involved in these legal and administrative processes. As every person requires a property which is free from any litigation and has a smooth process to close the deal, we here come into picture giving a professional as well as personal touch to the same.

EURPL with team of professional C.A, C.S, Bank Personnel, Solicitors, finance advisors etc. Will smoothly guide you along through the right legal process and its vast experience in the real estate field just adds on it. We

As due to few goons in the market, there is a need to get a legal advisor and support.

Services to Existing Property Owners –

  • 1. Coordinating for Registration of Conveyance Deed (including Drafting of the Deed)
  • 2. Assisting in Mutation Process
  • 3. Assisting in issues related to Bank or any concerned authority
  • 5. Adding of name or nomination change for the property.
  • 6. Getting Certified Copies after registration.
  • 7. Assisting to arrange Loan on your Existing Property with all major Banks.
  • 8. Power of Attorney execution and endorsements
  • 9. Any Dispute Settlement
  • 10. Loan closure assistance